Ch. 1 Regions and Ecoregions: An Approach to Sustainable Geography

Billings' ecoregion is considered within the Temperate Steppe Division or the Great Plains. The Yellowstone River flows toward northeast along the east side of the city. Billings and Yellowstone County are the most greatly populated area in Montana. The land area of the city is 39.6 square miles, while the county is 2,646 square miles. The elevation of Billings is 3,567 feet above mean sea level. It contains both plains and mountain geographies. In the north and east, the landmark border called the Rimrocks are formed by the 300 to 500 feet sandstone cliffs. The land above the Rimrocks are rolling hills with sandy and clay loam soils. In the south, the hills are steeper with high and flat tablelands.