Ch. 7 Megalopolis: Setting Sustainable Standards

The Billings Metropolitan Statistical Area is the largest metropolitan area that includes both Yellowstone County and Carbon County just below it. Its total population is 160,097 people. The city is surrounded by the rivers, lakes, and trees within the prairie. If out of the town, there is basically short in supply, which is not suitable for building a city. Since Billings is the largest city in Montana, it should be the most urban place comparing to other cities in Montana including their business, transportation and sales center  It’s also an important area for trading and distributing. It is a retail and wholesale business area that requires no sales tax. There are not much tall buildings in Montana, but Billings contains the only high-rise buildings in the state. The First Interstate Tower is the tallest building that’s 20 stories high in Billings, Montana. 


The major industries that help the growth of their economy are their agriculture, energy, transportation, health care and education. Billings have large oil and natural gas fields. It have three oil refineries, a coal fire generation plant, a sugar beet refining plant, and many other services  including mining are all one of things that support their economy. The main headquarters in the state are all located in Billings as well.

There is a main Interstate highway on the city and it comes all the way from the east side of Montana, and the city often gets lots of traffic due to the highway. Another main highway near the city is the 90 highway, which is also makes a nice stopping area for most visitors. Their public transportation is buses, and there are trail systems that go all over the metro area. They also have their own airport.


Their cultural activity and shopping center is what attracts visitors from places. It is also a suitable place to stay when visiting nearby park like Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, or other mountains, which is what most visitors did. Visitors could ski, fish, bike, visit museums, rodeo, and food fairs.