Ch. 6 The North Atlantic Provinces and Northern New England: New Economic Hopes

Billings was founded in 1882 during the Northern Pacific Railroad building time. It started with almost no building. But after the railroad had been built within a few months, it settled more than 2000 buildings. Not long after, there is also the discovery of oil fields, great natural gas and coal reserves. Minerals, coal, natural gas, and oil are Billings’ natural resources. It was once a large trading point for wool throughout the nation. The energy companies’ headquarters are in Billings. During 1910, Billings became the 6th most rapid growing community in the country. The population at that time was 10,031.

This is what Billings looks like during 1915:

The Billings Canal that was the irrigation canal was built in 1900s that plays an important part for supporting the economy now days because it provides necessary irrigation for farmers and residents.  After 1945, the city had a rapid growth in financial, medical, and cultural center, which the growth rate was at 66 percent at that period. During 1975 to 1986, the coal fire generation plants were created. Within that period, there was more growth in Billings so the high-rise buildings were built. The large prairie land is suitable for feeding and raising livestock. People started moving in during the 1900s and start their own farmland. There were immigrant laborers that move there to work on the fields, such as the Japanese, Russo-Germans, and then Mexicans. The industry grew and the population increase.