Ch. 9 South Atlantic: Gentry Tidewater, Hardscrabble Piedmont, and the Northern Invasion of Dixie

Billings’ culture and heritage contain the indigenous people’s culture as well, and they are called the Crow. There were about 10,603 to 12,000 tribe members living in the Yellowstone and Big Horn counties. They search throughout the Great Plain for the tobacco plant, and it’s found in the east side of the Big Horn Mountains. It is also included in the Louisiana Purchase land, and then Louis Clark explored the land. Soon, White people settled the land.

The oil industry in the city is sprawling as well. Since Alberta in Canada is near Billings, the pipelines were built in Billings and oil is being given out through the nation’s market. Employment is being reduced due to efficient technology in oil production. The oil production's value is higher than copper mining.